
Muscle Pain

Muscle pain will affect us all at some point in our lives.

Most muscle pain comes from doing sports, and or if not prepared for sports.

For example, many do not warm up for a sport they practice, and more so they don't cool down.

But which sports need warm-up or cool-down? In my opinion, all do, it is mostly related to the body type rather than the sport you plan to do.

The biggest issue with muscle pain, is not so much what you do when it hurts, a cream or oil like bingay will help to reduce the pain if the condition is new. But this will not work if the condition keeps repeating itself.

A treatment such as 2Zone Therapy would most definitely be at the end of all other treatments. Many approach us after they have tried nearly everything, going to massages, a chiropractor, acupuncture, reflexology etc, etc. Others go as for having cannabis oil, to reduce the pain. But none of these addresses the issue at hand.

The problem is that your body needs help to remove toxins and the buildup of these toxins from your body.

If these treatments worked, you would not be on this site, or you would not be looking for a solution.

Here is what we offer you, you come for a consultation, that takes approximately 20 minutes, after which I can either do a quick treatment so you can see the technique, and its immediate effect, then you decide, either you pay for the consultation fee and leave, and or your stay for full treatment.

The longer you wait to approach 2Zone Therapy, the harder it will be for us to help you recover. But here is the strange thing, because of the nature of our treatment all clients recover to some degree. Some recover 10%, others 70% in the 1st session. Repeat sessions will help your body to recover further.

Conditions that need different approaches are GOUT, FIBROMYALGIA, CANDIDA,



Who, What, How, Why, chronic Pain, Acute Pain, Goals set, and what cost


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